Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Day 6

There's about 3 hours left in the day, and I don't really have much faith in myself to get any words down today. I'm tired and I have a headache. It's been a long day. The sad thing is I've been getting up uncharacteristically early the last two days, which, in theory, would seem to up my odds of becoming a morning writer. But, in fact, the mornings have just been chaos and headache-inducing noise with the painters still here sanding away. Even my old late night habits have suffered. I'm too exhausted to stay up. Urgh!!!

I need a really long nap and a quiet hotel room on a beach somewhere. Actually, what I really need is a good, long yoga session and a long drive along the coast with some really mellow music on the iPod--a little Sigur Ros, Blonde Redhead, Portishead, Mazzy Star, and more than likely some Josh Groban. I snuck in a mini-drive late this afternoon around town, as the aforementioned headache started kicking in. The plan was to get some words in at the Coffee Table in Eagle Rock, but got over there and started looking for parking and my head/heart just wasn't in it. So, drove back towards home the long way. This is what I tend to do. I start out with the best of intentions to go to some cafe to write, but end up passing it up to just drive. Driving is my go to form of procrastination. Okay, that and the internet. Speaking of the internet, I guess I could have been writing for NaNo all this time.

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