Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day 11

12,539. 5,798 down.

The write-out at Vroman's was helpful. Got a little over 2,500 in two and a half hours. Thank God, the room didn't have wifi. I desperately need an internet free environment to be truly productive; cause let's face it, I have no self-control when it comes to wasting time online.

Didn't do much else today. Rather cold today. Ideal for curling up in bed and reading; which I did. Currently reading "Among Other Things, I've Taken Up Smoking." Jury's still out. I'm only a third of the way through. My next book will be "Hunting and Gathering" by Anna Gavalda who is one of my favorite authors. Totally stumbled upon the book. Didn't know she had anything new out. So, looking forward to that.

I took a little nap this afternoon, so might stay up and try and get in another 2,500 words and get up to 15K by the end of the day. At the very least, might try for the 1,667 that I should be doing daily.

We'll see.


Ok, getting a little sleepy. Will be good tomorrow and try for 5K. Painters are finally gone, and tomorrow's a holiday more or less as far as work, so should be able to get a little done. Off to bed. Night.

1 comment:

Sya said...

Well, I don't get a holiday--I guess I'll just have to wait until Thanksgiving. Anyways, it looks like you're making good progress. Good luck on your writing!