Friday, November 30, 2007

Day 30: I Won, Now For the Real Work

With a half hour to spare, I came in at 50,268.

So, another win for NaNo--3 for 3.

Even if I had stuck with the original problem premise, I'd still be nowhere near done story-wise. I'm somewhere in the muddly middle.

Not too sure what will become of all those words I wrote before I had my run in with the wall. Some may be salvageable; possibly even whole scenes with a little tweaking. But for the most part, I'm just accepting that I'm starting from scratch. Already have the first couple scenes sketched out for draft #2. For now going to take take a day off and recover. Will get back to the beast on Sunday at the last write-out.

And before I say goodnight, I'd just like to congratulate myself on actually sticking with blogging this little adventure all month. God, I can't believe it's been a month. Even if I didn't keep up with my daily word count as promised, I at least kept this up. Definitely a sign of screwed up priorities, but whatever, I'm done and it's over.

I promise to check back in occasionally and with hopefully more entertaining ramblings.


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