Monday, March 31, 2008

NKOTB Reuniting: I OFFICIALLY Feel Old!

So, the news is true...New Kids on the Block are reuniting.

New Kids on the Block to Appear on Today Show (People)

Yes, in my youth, I was a fan. I even saw them in concert 3 times and got a CD signed by all 5 members. Yeah, I was cool.

Alas, it's apparently been 20 years since Hangin' Tough was released. God, was it really that long ago? I remember it like it was yesterday. If that wasn't enough to make me feel old, the above article was kind enough to include all 5 members current ages: Joey, 35; Jordan, 37; Danny & Donnie, 38; and Jon, 39. They're pushing FORTY!!!!

God, I feel old.

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