Monday, October 29, 2007


Just discovered the song "Set the Fire to the Third Bar" on Snow Patrol's Eyes Open album. (Kind of amusing since I've had the album for almost a year.*) Was looking for some solo stuff by Lisa Hannigan who used to sing with Damien Rice and found a video on YouTube of her singing Martha Wainwright's part of this song on Snow Patrol's recent tour. And now I am obsessed. Love this song. I will concede it has one flaw. The ending feels abrupt. I see the beauty of such a compact song, but I'd love to hear it with a bridge and another run of the chorus before trailing off. Maybe I just really want it to keep going.

*I blame this on iTunes, and album downloads in general. I download a bunch of songs or albums at the same time and then a song or an album gets lost in the shuffle and just becomes background/white noise when I listen to it the first time along with all the others. Luckily, I have moments like this where all of a sudden I'll stumble, wander back to a song that's been hiding there all along.

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